CE for Therapy has compiled a comprehensive database of 100’s of Physical Therapy Continuing Competence Providers. Link to Comprehensive Provider Directory The Provider Directory offers literally 1000’s of Physical Therapy Continuing Competence Opportunities, Techniques, Methods, Certifications, Specializations and Topics.
Physical Therapy Continuing Competence
CE for Therapy’s mission is to provide a centralized resource of all Physical Therapy Continuing Competence opportunities. This enables Physical Therapists/Physical Therapy Assistants to identify all relevant, current and cutting edge opportunities that are available to them.
We launched CE For Therapy in June, 2017, and are scanning for new Continuing Competence opportunities continuously. As a result, the directory on the website is always as up-to-date as possible. If you are aware of any additional Providers of Physical Therapy Continuing Competence that you think should be included, please contact us.
CE For Therapy has found a lack of standards and conformity with regards to CUE/CCU activity regulation and certification. Consequently, most Continuing Competence providers list whatever approval they have obtained, if any, on their website or brochure. The APTA does NOT certify CEU/CCU activity. Several state APTA chapters have their own approval processes. Consequently, some states have reciprocity with other states. The ProCert system was offered by The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy and was the most centralized and standardized certification process for Physical Therapy Continuing Competence that CE for Therapy has been familiar with. Unfortunately, FSBPT discontinued the program as of Dec 31, 2019
Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
The FSBPT Mission is to protect the public by providing service and leadership that promote safe/competent physical therapy practice. The FSBPT Vision is to achieve a high level of public protection through a strong foundation of laws/regulatory standards. FSBPT uses effective tools and systems to assess entry-level and continuing competence. it also fosters public and professional awareness of resources for public protection. FSBPT’s areas of focus guides it in the planning and budgeting process by keeping it focused on what is essential to forwarding the mission of the Federation. The areas of Focus were developed over time through membership surveys, two FSBPT summits, strategic planning sessions of the board of directors and additional feedback from committees and staff. The six areas of focus are listed below.
Examinations: To ensure the ongoing excellence, reliability, defensibility, security and validity of the NPTE and related examinations. Membership: To enhance the Federation’s value to its membership by developing and maintaining programs and services responsive to membership needs. States’ Rights, States’ Responsibilities and Professional Standards: To identify and promote effective regulation in physical therapy that ensures the delivery of safe and competent physical therapy care, while respecting states’ rights and responsibilities. Education: To provide and promote educational programs and products for board members, administrators, the public and other stakeholders. Leadership: To broaden the Federation’s leadership role and recognition within the regulatory, professional and related communities. Organizational and Financial Stability To ensure the long-term organizational and financial stability and viability of the Federation.
Continuing Competence – FSBPT
FSBPT is a dynamic organization that promotes collaboration and teamwork between its various constituencies to ensure the best possible outcomes. Its member boards are at the top of the organizational structure. Furthermore, member boards typically include professionals, public members and administrators.
Delegate Assembly: Each member of a board elects a delegate, an alternate delegate and an administrator. These individuals attend the annual delegate assembly, which includes a meeting of the council of board administrators. Policy and direction is set and provided to the board of directors and FSBPT staff at this annual event. The delegate assembly elects the board of directors, who represent the 53 member boards as a whole.
On the board of directors, there will be current members of member boards, former members of member boards. Furthermore, there are administrators of member boards and public members. The public member position brings an important perspective to the board when it considers what is best for public protection. The board also provides ongoing leadership to the Federation through a strategic planning and goal setting process. The delegate assembly and board of directors also elect or appoint members to committees and task forces. These volunteers take the initiative on various issues facing member boards and provide practical recommendations to the board of directors. The link to the FSBPT home page is: http://www.fsbpt.org/
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Continuing Competency