CE for Therapy presently features 21 providers of Geriatric Physical Therapy Courses on the Provider Directory page Link to Provider Directory. Here are some brief descriptions and links to a few of our favorites:
Great Seminars and Books offers multiple Onsite Live, In Person and Online Physical Therapy CE courses. The courses are mostly focused on the treatment of older adults. GSB live courses have educated over 30,000 therapists. The company is constantly striving for excellence and participant growth and satisfaction. GREAT Seminars and Books has Home Study courses, and over 15 books or learning tools that are easy to use and order. Additionally, GSB offers The Geriatric Trained and Certified Clinical Specialist Certification (GTCCS), Applied Geriatric Neurology Certification, and Functional Standards for Optimal Aging Expert (FSOAE) Certification. These Certifications are further described on the Certifications/Techniques page Link to Cert Page. GREAT Seminars and Books also offers online courses Link to Online Courses and recorded webinars Link to Recorded Webinars on a variety of topics to keep you current on new examinations and interventions.
Therapy Network Seminars’ goal is the advancement of knowledge of its customers through Physical Therapy Seminars combining live and interactive educational programs. The Company offers multiple live courses and over 100 on-demand webinars with multiple topics including Geriatrics, Orthopedics, and Hand Therapy. Additional topics include Balance and Falls, Lower Quadrant Courses, Manual Therapy Courses, Neuro, Orthotics, and several more. In addition, the TNS courses on Stroke Rehabilitation, The NeuroVestibular Complex, Muscle Energy, Kettlebells, and Manual Therapy and Functional Exercise for the Shoulder Complex are listed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Link to Cert Page
Celebrating 30 years of life-changing learning, Education Resources Inc. Link to ERI provides physical therapy continuing education courses that remind you why you became a therapist. And why you love what you do. Learn skills you’ll use right away, through hands-on learning, both live and online. At the heart of it all, it’s about improving outcomes – by improving patient care. ERI strives to be your Preferred Provider – your go-to source for all of your physical therapy continuing education needs, across the patient’s lifespan – neonatal through adult and geriatric care. ERI Geriatric courses include Pharmacology Fundamentals for Therapists; The Frail Elderly: Realistic Strategies to Improve Function; and Post-Acute Rehabilitation of the Complex Elderly Patient.
AdvantageCEUs.com Link to Advantage is a therapist-owned online continuing education company specializing in physical therapy, occupational therapy and athletic training. Physical Therapy CEU Courses are offered on Assistive Technology, Ortho, Sports, Peds, Geriatrics, Neuro, Stroke, Pharmacology, Differential Diagnosis, Muscle Energy, Foot/Lower Leg conditions and several more.
Allied Health Education Link to Allied is a therapist-owned continuing education company that provides relevant, hands-on seminars, online live and on-demand webinars that you can complete in the comfort of your own home and at your convenience, Allied Health Education offers over 100 on-demand webinars courses covering multiple topics including Acute Care, Cardiopulmonary, Documentation, Geriatrics, Integrative Medicine, Ortho, Neuro Rehab and several others. Courses on “Energy Anatomy”, “Femoroacetabular Impingement”, and “GeriAthletes” are further discussed on our Certifications/Techniques page. Link to Cert Page
More Geriatric Physical Therapy Courses
LSVT Global, Inc. Link to LSVT trains and certifies physical and occupational therapists and students in LSVT BIG®, a specialized, evidence-based therapy to improve function and movement in people with Parkinson disease and other neurological conditions. LSVT Global has trained over 38,000 speech, physical and occupational therapists from 73 countries through in-person and online courses and offers advanced training and life-long resources to support LSVT BIG Certified therapists. LSVT Global also offers webinars, seminars and exercise support tools to patients globally.

Geriatric Physical Therapy Courses
SAIL Seminars Link to Sail specializes in the dissemination of an evidence-based fall prevention program called “Stay Active & Independent for Life” (the SAIL Program). The SAIL Program is a strength, balance and fitness class for adults 65+ and is recognized as a Title IIID – Evidence-based Program by the National Council on Aging. The online certification training is offered in conjunction with Pierce College.
Established in 1979, Consultants for the Future Link to CFTF has become a leader in quality continuing education for over 25 years. CFTF courses offer interesting, up-to-date information, detailed explanations in an understandable style, and learning that is immediately useful and applicable. The company is constantly teaching on the leading edge of new concepts for healthcare solutions. CFTF service is friendly, personal and prompt, and by downloading the course material and entering your answers into the web site, you can have your credits as fast as you can take the course.
CE For Therapy was launched June, 2017, and is scanning for new Geriatric Physical Therapy Courses continuously, so the directory on the website is always as up-to-date as possible. If you are aware of any additional Providers of Geriatric Physical Therapy Courses that you think should be included, please contact us.