Comprehensive Provider Directory
Physical Therapy Seminars
This Directory lists literally 1000’s of Physical Therapy Seminars, Techniques, Certifications, Specializations, and Topics. Our main mission is to provide a centralized resource for all Physical Therapists/Physical Therapy Assistants to identify relevant, up to date and cutting-edge Continuing Education opportunities that are available to them. CE For Therapy was launched in June 2017. We are scanning for new Physical Therapy Seminars and CE opportunities continuously. As a result, the directory on the website is always as up-to-date as possible. In summary, if you are aware of additional Providers of CE for PT that you think should be included, please contact us.
Body Regions, Specialties or Subject
Keyword Search ↗ is a therapist-owned online continuing education company specializing in physical therapy, occupational therapy and athletic training. Physical Therapy Seminars are offered on Assistive Technology, Ortho, Sports, Peds, Geriatrics, Neuro, Stroke, Pharmacology, Differential Diagnosis, Muscle Energy, Foot/Lower Leg conditions and several more. Also offers approved Physical Therapy Ethics and Jurisprudence courses for multiple states. Courses are affordable and available 24/7 with unlimited test attempts and instant certificates. is now offering a $95/year Unlimited Access Package for PTs/OTs/ATCs. Additionally. the Advantage Courses on "Differential Diagnosis" and "Emergency Sports and Primary Care Assessment" are listed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Read More
Allied Health Education ↗
Allied Health Education is a therapist-owned continuing education company that provides relevant, hands-on seminars, online live and also on-demand physical therapy CE webinars that you can complete in the comfort of your own home and at your convenience. Subsequently, AHE can provide you with the learning experience that best meets your physical therapy CE needs. The Company offers over 100 on-demand webinar courses covering multiple topics including Acute Care, Cardiopulmonary, Documentation, Geriatrics, Integrative Medicine, Ortho, Neuro Rehab and several others. Check out all of the on-line courses at Link To Allied Health Education PageBrooks Institute of Higher Learning ↗
Offers Post Graduate Physical Therapy Seminars and CE Courses, Residency and additionally, Fellowship programs. Link to Brooks
CEUFast ↗
Since the company launch in 2002, over 200,000 healthcare professionals have used CEUfast. The company offers Multiple Online On-Demand courses, and the courses on Patient Rights, Elder Abuse, and Medical Errors are currently FSBPT/ProCert approved. Also has courses on Cultural Competency and AIDS/HIV Evidence Based Practice. Additionally, the Elder Abuse and Medical Errors courses are listed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Read More
Consultants for the Future ↗
Established in 1979, Consultants for the Future has become a leader in quality continuing education for over 25 years. CFTF courses offer interesting, up-to-date information, detailed explanations in an understandable style, and learning that is immediately useful and applicable. CFTF service is friendly, personal and prompt. Also, by downloading the course material and entering your answers into the web site, you can have your credits as fast as you can take the course. Courses currently offered by Consultants for the Future include The Patient In Pain, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias, and Stroke,
Education Resources, Inc. ↗
ERI is celebrating 30 years of life-changing learning. The Company provides physical therapy continuing education courses that remind you why you became a therapist. And why you love what you do. Learn skills you’ll use right away, through hands-on learning, both live and online. At the heart of it all, it’s about improving outcomes – by improving patient care. ERI strives to be your Preferred Provider - your go-to source for all of your physical therapy continuing education needs, across the patient’s lifespan - neonatal through adult and geriatric care.Education Resources courses on ICU and Acute Care Update, Breathing and Postural Control, TBI, Pharmacology Fundamentals, NDT – Baby Treatment, Physical Therapist Management of Patients in the Emergency Setting, Cognitive Intervention, Vestibular Therapy for the School-Aged Child, Torticollis, Amputee Rehabilitation, Praxis, Plagiocephaly, and Intervention in the NICU are listed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Read More
Additionally, ERI Neurology courses currently include Building the Brain: A Neurobiological Approach to Assessment and Treatment; TBI: Tools and Strategies to Promote Recovery for the Moderately-Severely Challenged: Tools and Strategies to Promote Recovery for the Moderately-Severely Challenged Patient; and Functionally Assessing and Treating Visual Processing, Visual Perception and Visual-Motor Deficits.

Evergreen Certifications ↗
The career changing certifications offered by Evergreen Certifications have been developed by the leading experts in the fields of behavioral health, healthcare, and rehabilitation to recognize specialized and advanced training. Evergreen Certifications makes it SIMPLE, EASY, and AFFORDABLE for you to get the career advancing certification you need. A certification through Evergreen further solidifies client assurance and trust, empowers development, provides international recognition, and allows you to distinguish yourself from your peers! There are several Certifications offered by Evergreen listed on the Certifications/Acronyms page, including CTP, CTH-AH, CPRCS, CMIP, CGCP and CFNIP. Link to Credentials page
Evidence in Motion ↗
Evidence In Motion (EIM) has now combined their major brands — KinetaCore, ISPI, and NeuroRTI — into one unified company, ONE EIM. The unified company offers specialty certifications, post-professional programs and continuing education courses, and EIM also partners with leading universities to provide accelerated graduate programs in health care, including physical therapy, occupational therapy and others. Purdue University Online and EIM are partnering to offer the Therapeutic Pain Specialist (TPS) certification for licensed health care professionals in the U.S. and around the world. The TPS Certification is further described on the Certifications/Techniques page.Link to Cert Page

Flex CEUs ↗
FLEX Online Continuing Education is a national provider of CEU contact hours for license renewal for PT CEUs and PTA CEUs. Courses are priced very affordably at $9 per continuing education credit hour. You can also purchase an Unlimited CEU Membership for only $95/year. With the unlimited membership you can take as many of the courses as you like, whenever you want. Flex offers multiple course topics that are On line/Text based, and has recently added the courses "Lung Cancer and the Effect of Tai Chi", and "Diabetic Foot Ulceration: Plantar Pressure and Footwear" to their lineup. Flex also offers a course entitled "Hamstring Stretches - Frequency Required to Maintain Knee Extension Range of Motion" free of charge. Link to Flex
GREAT Seminars and Books ↗
GREAT Seminars and Books offers multiple Onsite Live, In Person and Online Physical Therapy CE courses. The courses are mostly focused on the treatment of older adults. GSB live courses have educated over 30,000 therapists. The company is constantly striving for excellence and participant growth and satisfaction. GREAT Seminars and Books has Home Study courses, and over 15 books or learning tools that are easy to use and order. Additionally, GSB offers The Geriatric Trained and Certified Clinical Specialist Certification (GTCCS), Applied Geriatric Neurology Certification, and Functional Standards for Optimal Aging Expert (FSOAE) Certification. These Certifications are further described on the Certifications/Techniques page Link to Cert Page. GREAT Seminars and Books also offers online courses Link to Online Courses and recorded webinars Link to Recorded Webinars on a variety of topics to keep you current on new examinations and interventions. Optimizing the PT/ PTA team: The Latest Clinical Approaches, Online Course, is now available at Great Seminars Online.
HomeCEU ↗
In 2005, PTs, Brandon & Anne Osborn, created HomeCEU with the vision to provide convenient and cost-effective online CEUs for healthcare professionals. As therapists themselves, Brandon & Anne had tried traditional continuing education – but they discovered a meager selection of stale educational opportunities. They knew there had to be a better way, and HomeCEU was born! If you’re looking for a CE company that understands your profession and your busy schedule – with quick and stress-free CEUs – you are invited to join over 100,000 of your peers and become part of the family today.HomeCEU Courses on Nutrition, Clinical Massage, and Physical Agents in Rehabilitation are listed and described on the Certifications/Techniques page. Read More HomeCEU has recently added the courses "COVID-19 in the Geriatric Patient"; "Patient Driven Payment Model Overview (PDPM)" ; "Malnutrition - Identification and Management of Malnutrition in Older Adults"; and "ACSM’s Nutrition for Exercise Science" to its library. Link to HomeCEU Understanding, Recognizing, and Mitigating Implicit Biases in Healthcare – 2 hr online Course, is available at HomeCEU.

LSVT Global, Inc. ↗
LSVT Global, Inc. trains and certifies physical and occupational therapists and students in LSVT BIG®. This is a specialized, evidence-based therapy to improve function and movement in people with Parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions. The Company has trained over 50,000 speech, physical and occupational therapists from 80 countries through in-person and online courses. Additionally, LSVT Global offers advanced training and life-long resources to support LSVT Certified therapists and patients who have received LSVT BIG and LSVT LOUD treatment. The LSVT BIG Training and Certification Course is described on the Certifications/Techniques page.Link to Cert Page

MedBridge ↗
With access to the highest quality continuing education, patient education, and home exercise programs, MedBridge, one of our Featured Providers Link , gives you and your patients the tools needed to improve clinical outcomes. A growing library of over 600 accredited online on-demand physical therapy courses with multiple topics and specialties. Additionally, there are engaging presentations with live patient demos, 3D models, and motion graphics. MedBridge has recently added the following new courses to their library: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS); Management of the Critically Ill Aging Client with a CHF Exacerbation; and Treating Aging Adults With Cerebral Palsy. Link to MedBridge ↗
Offers 450+ Physical Therapy CE Courses with over 25 topic areas.Popular courses are offered in various formats, live webinar, recorded, text, & audio formats. Easy to navigate course library. Register for and track courses taken, at a glance. Course completion certificates provided.
" is Easy to use and is an amazing value with a wide range of useful classes. I recommend it to all my coworkers!" member Heidi Y.

Rehab Education ↗
Rehab Education, LLC is a therapist-owned and operated CE company, providing accessible and affordable Physical Therapy CE courses. The company strives to ensure up-to-date knowledge and skills for OTs, PTs, and other rehab professionals. The company offers Physical Therapy CE courses in multiple categories, including Cognitive/Perceptual Rehab, Hand Therapy, IASTM, Kinesio® Taping, Physical Agents, Neural Mobilization, Pediatrics and several others. Additionally, the courses on Cerebral Palsy, Tendonitis, Pediatric Hand Therapy, and Kinesio Taping® Method are listed on the Certifications/Techniques page, Link to Cert Page , and the IASTM Course is described on the IASTM Courses Post. Link to Post
SAIL Seminars ↗
SAIL Seminars Link to SAIL specializes in the dissemination of an evidence-based fall prevention program called “Stay Active & Independent for Life” (the SAIL Program). The core feature of a SAIL Program is a strength, balance and fitness class for adults 65+. Also, SAIL is recognized as a Title IIID – Evidence-based Program by the National Council on Aging. Therapists may complete their initial SAIL Program Leader training through an online continuing education class. This class is offered in conjunction with Pierce College. Link to Registration After completing the initial training, therapists may submit a portfolio that demonstrates their understanding of the program. Subsequently, the completed portfolio submission enables therapists to become a “master trainer” for SAIL Program Leaders in their geographic area.
Therapy Network Seminars ↗
TNS’s goal is the advancement of knowledge of its customers through Physical Therapy Seminars combining live and interactive educational programs. The Company offers multiple live courses and over 100 on-demand webinars with multiple topics including Orthopedics, Geriatrics and Hand Therapy, Additional topics include Balance and Falls, Lower Quadrant Courses, Manual Therapy Courses, Neuro and Orthopedics, Orthotics, and several more. In addition, the TNS courses on Stroke Rehabilitation, Balance, The NeuroVestibular Complex, Muscle Energy, Kettlebells, and Manual Therapy and Functional Exercise for the Shoulder Complex are listed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Read MoreWestern Schools ↗
Western Schools is now part of Elite Healthcare.
Physical Therapy Seminars
Here is some additional info on some of our favorite providers of Physical Therapy Seminars:
Redcord America offers Physical Therapy Seminars about Neurac methodology, which has been performed by physical therapists and experts for more than 20 years. The Method has the main objective of reactivating neuromuscular chains using the Redcord Workstation, resulting in pain-free treatments. “Neurac 1” introduces theoretical and practical applications of suspension exercise therapy to treat neuromuscular deactivation, muscle weakness, muscle imbalances and chronic pain. Participants will gain an understanding of the theoretical basis underlying the Neurac method of neuromuscular activation, the ability to identify and treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions in a pain-free environment and the ability to apply suspension exercises to improve stability, balance and neuromuscular function
Totally Treatment – Pediatric Aquatic Therapy Course offered by Swim Angelfish Link to Course Totally Treatment dives into gaining an understanding of the properties of the water and how to apply each in treatment sessions. For example, handling techniques for strengthening, balance reactions, relaxation and sensory integration within the aquatic environment will be addressed. Moreover, through video content and case studies, learn up to 10 new treatment techniques and creative ways to structure an aquatic therapy session in order to achieve therapy goals with clients that have both physical and sensory disorders. 4 Hour Online Course
Gawenda Seminars – Gawenda Seminars provides Physical Therapy Seminars, education, and consulting in the areas of CPT coding, ICD-10 coding, billing, documentation compliance, revenue enhancement, practice management, and denial management as they relate to outpatient therapy services for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy. Since 2004, Mr. Gawenda has presented nationally and currently presents approximately 100 dates per year around the United States.

Physical Therapy Seminars
Zero Balancing Link to ZB
Zero Balancing, developed by Fritz Smith MD. ZB uses skilled touch to address the relationship between energy and structures of the body. Finger pressure is used to create fulcrums around which the body can relax, reorganize, and clear blocks. Zero Balancing focuses primarily on key skeletal joints that conduct and balance forces of gravity, posture, and movement. Subsequently, Zero Balancing also offers a certification program that is discussed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Additionally, the Zero Balancing I course is FSBPT/ProCert approved for 19 CCUs for PT/PTAs.
More Physical Therapy Seminars

Physical Therapy Seminars
Evergreen Certifications The career-changing certifications offered by Evergreen Certifications have been developed by the leading experts in the fields of behavioral health, healthcare, and rehabilitation to recognize specialized and advanced training. Evergreen Certifications makes it SIMPLE, EASY, and AFFORDABLE for you to get the career advancing certification you need. A certification through Evergreen further solidifies client assurance and trust, empowers development, provides international recognition, and allows you to distinguish yourself from your peers! There are several Certifications offered by Evergreen listed on the Certifications/Acronyms page, including, CTH-AH, CPRCS, CMIP, CFNIP, CTP, and CGCP.
Education Resources Link to Courses offers evidence-based clinically relevant CEU courses to help neurologic Therapists identify and treat individuals with neurological disorders. This will ultimately improve outcomes for their patients. The live neuro webinars and on-demand online neuro courses are taught by distinguished internationally renowned faculty. The faculty are experts in their field teaching effective interventions and assessment techniques for a wide range of topics including neuroplasticity, vestibular rehabilitation, locomotor training, motor planning, degenerative diseases, and many more.

Physical Therapy Seminars
Move Play Thrive is a place to learn about Neurodevelopmental Movement programs that increase the effectiveness in life. Neurodevelopmental Movement Training is often used to help with Learning & Developmental Challenges and Emotional & Physical Challenges. Additionally, the Brain and Sensory Foundations First Level course gives outstanding help for sensory processing issues, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, learning delays, social-emotional skills, and more. Check it out here: Link to MPT
See the transformative power of neurodevelopmental movements in these inspiring case studies from students of the Brain and Sensory Foundations course.
Link to Case Studies
Can movements help overcome ADHD?
Link to Article
Physiopedia Link to Physiopedia , the “Wikipedia” for physiotherapy, is a free comprehensive online reference written by physiotherapists for physiotherapists. The charitable website has over 3000 evidence-based knowledge articles that can be accessed for free at any time. Physiopedia is used by around 1.5 million people every month. It’s perfect for answering all your professional and clinical questions. In addition, it even has an app that puts all of this in your pocket.
Pacific Medical Training offers Web-based courses for Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support. Accepted across North America and Canada, done in 3 hours. Up to 8 AMA CME/CE credits each.
Physical Therapy Seminars
CE For Therapy was launched in June 2017. We are scanning for new Physical Therapy Seminar opportunities continuously. As a result, the website is always as up-to-date as possible. In conclusion, if you are aware of any additional Providers of Physical Therapy Seminars and CE that you think should be included, certainly contact us.