CE for Therapy presently features multiple providers of Aquatic Physical Therapy Courses on the Provider Directory page. Link to Provider Directory Here are the brief descriptions and links:
Aquatic Physical Therapy Courses
Aquatic Therapy University Link to ATU is a leading provider of live and online continuing education for licensed therapists world-wide. The ATU tiered evidence-based progression is unique in the industry as is their best-of-breed PT-only instructor corps. Students love ATU for the hands-on personal attention and the ATU live seminars are the only aquatics courses recognized by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy. Complete any 5 of ATU’s 32 courses and you can earn your Aquaticist℠ Aquatic Therapy Certification. The Aquaticist℠ program is listed on the Certifications/Techniques page.Link to Cert Page

Aquatic Physical Therapy Courses
The Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute Link to ATRI is a trusted elite continuing education provider for aquatic therapy professionals of all disciplines. ATRI offers membership and certification, along with continuing education courses at conferences around the country. Our conferences feature in-pool labs for hands-on experience. ATRI offers you the education you need to become certified through the Aquatic Therapeutic Exercise Certification. ATRI also offers the online availability of various educational courses. The ATRI certification and courses on Aquastretch, Bad Ragaz and Watsu (just a few of the techniques taught through ATRI courses and Online Ed) are described on the Certifications/Techniques page Link to Cert Page
Inertia Therapy Services Link to Inertia offers a wide variety of aquatic continuing education classes as well as staff and community in-services. Inertia currently hosts the only certification courses from the International Aquatic Therapy Faculty (IATF) in the U.S. This includes international certifications in Halliwick/Water Specific Therapy, The Bad Ragaz Ring Method, and Clinical Ai Chi, which are all listed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Inertia is offering the Halliwick Aquatic Therapy/Water Specific Therapy Certification Course during August 2021, in Sun City Az. The special focus of the course this year will be about influencing neuroinflammation with aquatic therapy. A relationship exists between neuroinflammation and neuromusculoskeletal problems that we encounter in allied health care. Therapeutic interventions have to address the immuno-metabolic system by influencing endothelium of blood vessels, the hypothalamus, hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and other brain regions. Link to Certification Course
More Aquatic Physical Therapy Courses

Aquatic Physical Therapy Courses
LyndaHuey.com Link offers Lynda Huey’s Aquatic Rehab Online Course. Lynda Huey, a world-renowned aquatic rehab educator, brings aquatic rehab to life online in a twelve-lesson course that teaches her basic exercises and techniques. As a graduate of this course, you will enhance your teaching ability and always be able to appropriately challenge your students, clients, and patients so they do just the right techniques at the right effort level – never too much or too little. Approved for 1.6 CEUs from the California Physical Therapy Association (CPTA).
Swim Angelfish is devoted to helping children of all abilities learn how to swim. The company, originally founded as an Aquatic Therapy service, has grown to include Swim Lessons, Camps and Training as a direct result of the need to help all children become confident and safe in the water.The mission of Swim Angelfish Link is to provide children of all abilities and special needs the lifelong skill of being comfortable and safe in the water, as well as confident and independent in recreational activities. Swim Angelfish offers online therapy and swim instructor training courses in the Swim Angelfish Methodology. The tools provided in these courses are being used internationally to help professionals learn important skills to work effectively in the water with children who possess sensory and motor difficulties. The Swim Angelfish Methodology Certification program is listed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Link to Cert Page
Swim Angelfish is now offering the Totally Treatment – Pediatric Aquatic Therapy Course. Totally Treatment dives into gaining an understanding of the properties of the water and how to apply each in treatment sessions. Handling techniques for strengthening, balance reactions, relaxation and sensory integration within the aquatic environment will be addressed. Through video content and case studies, learn up to 10 new treatment techniques and creative ways to structure an aquatic therapy session in order to achieve therapy goals with clients that have both physical and sensory disorders.
4 Hour Online Course. https://swimangelfish.com/therapist-training/Link to Course
Additional Aquatic Physical Therapy Courses
Other Providers of Aquatic Physical Therapy Courses that are listed on the Comprehensive Provider Directory page include Peyow™ Aqua Pilates, the Aquatic Exercise Association Link to AEA, and HydroWorx. Link
The Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy is a section of the American Physical Therapy Association, The Section provides opportunities for networking among its members and fosters collaborative efforts in outcomes research on the effectiveness of aquatic interventions. It publishes The Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy and the electronic Waterlines newsletter. The Academy offers a Certificate in Aquatic Physical Therapy Clinical Competency, which is an assessment-based certificate..The CAPTCC provides PTs and PTAs with a comprehensive study of the fundamental knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to provide safe evidence-based patient care using the aquatic environment. CAPTCC participants demonstrate clinical competency in aquatic physical therapy by completing both written and practical skills tests upon completion of the program.
CE For Therapy was launched June, 2017, and is scanning for new Aquatic Physical Therapy Courses continuously, so the directory on the website is always as up-to-date as possible. If you are aware of any additional Providers of Aquatic Physical Therapy Courses that you think should be included, please contact us.