Dry Needling Physical Therapy Courses
CE for Therapy presently features several well-respected providers of Dry Needling Physical Therapy Courses on the Physical Therapy Continuing Education Provider Directory. Here are the brief descriptions and links:
United Dry Needling Education
United Dry Needling Education Link to UDN is currently the only Dry Needling Education Providers designed for physical therapists whose state practice act requires fifty face-to-face continuing education hours before you can even needle a patient. With United Dry Needling Education, you pay one affordable price. You then take two classes which are scheduled two weekends in a row, you pass a comprehensive exam and check off, you get credentialed with the state, and you start treating patients immediately. If a clinic has five or more therapists they wish to get certified, UDN can come to you! Avoid lodging and travel expenses for your therapists and learn DN in your own clinic in a uniquely intimate environment.
United Dry Needling Education is now offering Online Dry Needling: Implementing a Specialized Approach to Pain and Dysfunction – Course One, with the option of a.Self-paced unsupervised online course, or a hybrid mix of online lectures with virtually supervised live dry needling labs. With the self-paced unsupervised option there is no direct supervision of safe dry needling technique. Some state practice acts require face-to-face learning experiences to become credentialed to perform dry needling. Safe techniques are taught and demonstrated through online recordings. However, safe techniques are not verified for each student. If a student would like direct and live supervision while performing dry needling, direct supervision options are available for purchase. Also, if a student that purchases the online course wishes to attend an in-person dry needling course, a $400 credit/discount will be applied to their in-person course tuition. Link to Online Courses
United Dry Needling has recently launched a YouTube channel with a comprehensive library of Dry Needling demo videos. Link to DN Videos
Intricate Art Spine & Body Solutions Link to IA offers a variety of courses on manual therapy that include Dry Needling and Spinal Manipulation. The Dry Needling Courses and Fellowship includes:
Intricate Art Dry Needling 1, 2 and 3; Intricate Art Lumbopelvic Dry Needling, Including the Pelvic Floor; Intricate Art Dry Needling Certification (IADN cert.): DN 1 + DN 2; Intricate Art Dry Needling Certified Practitioner (IADN Cert. Practitioner): DN 1, DN 2, DN 3, Lumbopelvic DN, write a case study, which the company will work with you to publish & pass a weekend of oral/practical examinations; Intricate Art Dry Needling Fellowship: DN 1, DN 2, DN 3, Lumbopelvic DN, assist teaching 5 DN courses of your choice and write a case study, which the company will work with you to publish.
Structure & Function Education https://structureandfunction.net/ is an education company dedicated to bridging the gap from rehab to performance. Structure & Function Dry Needling (SFDN) is a system of dry needling developed by Sue Falsone, utilizing her vast experience with rehabilitation and performance of the professional athlete. SFDN incorporates Sue’s knowledge from decades of education in dry needling, pain management, and differential diagnosis. She also has extensive experience with fascial manipulation, soft tissue mobilization, visceral manipulation, and movement efficiency and skill.
Integrative Dry Needling Institute https://integrativedryneedling.com/
Neurologic dry needling is the evolution from needling points (myofascial trigger points) to needling the system. Neurologic dry needling can be used to treat all types of neuromusculoskeletal conditions. These conditions are not limited to orthopedics but are applicable to any condition where inflammation (neurogenic), reduced blood flow and muscle guarding is present. The Neurologic Dry Needling system is based on peripheral and central neurologic principles, so it is not limited by the traditional trigger point paradigm. Using peripheral nerve mapping model allows a broader opportunity to deliver treatment locally, segmentally, and most importantly systemically. The Certification in Integrative Dry Needling (CIDN) process is further described on the Certifications/Techniques page.
More Dry Needling Physical Therapy Courses
Evidence in Motion’s Functional Dry Needling (FDN) Level 1 course Link to Course gives clinicians the tools to elevate their practice to a new level of patient care. This foundational Functional Dry Needling course of study teaches the insertion of fine filament needles into neuromuscular junctions/motor points, stimulating the muscle, and bringing unbelievable pain relief and significantly improved function to athletes and patients who have been suffering for years.
Master Dry Needling Seminars Link to Course Offers a three-day introductory course to utilize DN in clinical practice and is open to Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Chiropractors, Physicians, Nurses, Physician’s Assistants and Athletic Trainers. It covers the use of DN techniques in trigger points, myofascial pain syndromes and its use in musculoskeletal injuries and disorders. Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to: 1. Have a thorough understanding of DN history and clinical applications.
2. Understand normal and abnormal muscle contraction physiology.
3. Identify precipitating and perpetuating factors in trigger point (TP) syndromes.
4. Identify muscle attachments and trigger points by surface anatomy and muscle testing.
If your facility is Planning To Host A Course, Master Dry Needling also offers private courses for Clinics and Universities. A minimum of 12 participants is required.
The Institute of Advanced Musculoskeletal Treatments Link to IAMT Courses/Schedule TRIGGER POINT DRY NEEDLING LEVEL 3 This course utilizes a case study approach to enhance clinical reasoning skills for the physical therapists and to formulate an integrative plan of care utilizing dry needling, manual therapy techniques and exercise to treat common conditions. This course combines manual therapy interventions with dry needling techniques and functional retraining to restore biomechanics and normalize function in their patients. IAMT’s Level 1 & 2 Trigger Point Dry Needling courses must be completed prior to registering for the Level 3 course. All required prereading material will be sent in a link via your registration confirmation email.

Dry Needling Physical Therapy Courses
The International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine (IAOM-US) Link to IAOM integrates diagnosis-specific musculoskeletal management, biopsychosocial and sensorimotor control models to create live, hybrid and online on-demand Manual Physical Therapy Courses for evidence-based, post-professional Physical Therapy education. The IAOM-US provides the highest caliber of education, certification, and membership. Through its relationship with Optimal Dry Needling Solutions (ODNS), offers several Dry Needling courses. ODNS has been training qualified practitioners in the theory and skill of trigger point DN for over 15 years. This has occurred throughout the UK, South Africa, India, and the Middle East. In 2013, they began offering courses in the US. ODNS courses are all strongly practical in nature with good participant – facilitator ratios and are supported by a comprehensive manual. Live courses of interest that we have noted include Dry Needling for the Upper Quarter and Hand, Stoughton WI, Aug 2022.
The Manual Physical Therapy Alliance https://www.mptalliance.com/courses/hobbs-masters-series/ is the only approved provider of Jon Hobbs’ Masters Needling Series in North America. The Hobbs Masters Needling Series is designed for both novice and experienced healthcare professionals that desire to have a better understanding of a comprehensive therapeutic needling system, as well as the development of a complementary clinical reasoning mindset to better serve their patients.
HomeCEU now offers ” An Introduction to Trigger Point Dry Needling”. This is a Seminar-On-Demand course that provides multiple video demonstrations and serves to improve the knowledge of any clinician interested in learning more about this procedure. Indications, contraindications, and ways to become certified are also explored.
Other Providers of Dry Needling Courses that CE For Therapy is aware of include Myopain Seminars, ON-Point Dry Needling, Hands-on Seminars, Institute for Athlete Regeneration, Midwest Rehabilitation Institute, and the Dry Needling Institute.
What states allow dry needling by physical therapists?
As of April 2014, several states have issued opinions affirming that dry needling is within the PT scope of practice. These states include, but are not limited to, Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, and Maryland. Also included are Mississippi, Montana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, *Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Five state boards — Idaho, Kansas, Idaho, New York, , and South
Dakota, — have stated it is not within the scope of practice. It is
not part of the scope of practice in Hawaii, as the Hawaii physical
therapy statute contains language prohibiting physical therapists
from puncturing the skin for any purpose. It should be noted that a number of the state regulatory boards have stated that dry needling is within the physical therapist scope of practice provided that the physical therapist has the additional education and training to perform dry needling and is competent to do so. A number of state regulatory boards have adopted regulations or published guidelines outlining education and competency
standards for physical therapists performing dry needling, including Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Three states, Arizona, Georgia, and Utah have dry needling specifically listed under the definition of the practice of physical therapy in their states’ physical therapy statute and are in the process of developing competency guidelines.” From American Physical Therapy Association Education Resource Paper Link to APTA
CE For Therapy was launched June, 2017, and is scanning for new Dry Needling Physical Therapy Courses continuously. Consequently, the directory on the website is always as up-to-date as possible. If you know of any additional Providers of Dry Needling Physical Therapy Courses that should be included, please contact us.