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Physical Therapy Seminars
This Directory lists literally 1000’s of Physical Therapy Seminars, Techniques, Certifications, Specializations, and Topics. Our main mission is to provide a centralized resource for all Physical Therapists/Physical Therapy Assistants to identify relevant, up to date and cutting-edge Continuing Education opportunities that are available to them. CE For Therapy was launched in June 2017. We are scanning for new Physical Therapy Seminars and CE opportunities continuously. As a result, the directory on the website is always as up-to-date as possible. In summary, if you are aware of additional Providers of CE for PT that you think should be included, please contact us.
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Astym® ↗
Training in Soft Tissue Therapy,Gold Standard Seminars (GSS) ↗
Gold Standard Seminars (GSS) provides high quality, pre-approved, live continuing education courses for rehabilitation professionals throughout the United States. Founded by an occupational therapist, the goal of GSS is to increase the quality and availability of continuing education courses offered to busy clinicians. Subsequently, GSS has implemented interactive teaching methods, which enable participants to have hands-on experience. Also, the courses utilize best evidence-based practice, significant hands-on lab components, and the ability for participants to apply techniques immediately to their practices. In addition, the GSS Courses on Visual (Dys)Function, U/E Tendon Repairs, and Elbow Injuries are further described on the Certifications/Techniques page. Link to Cert pageGraston Technique, LLC ↗
Graston Technique® therapy is a unique, evidence-based form of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) that enables clinicians to effectively address scar tissue, fascial restrictions and range of motion through comprehensive training, resulting in improved patient outcomes. When you become a Graston Technique Clinician, you are joining over 34,000 clinicians standing at the cutting edge of IASTM technology. The Graston Technique® Specialist (GTS) training program is described on the Certifications/Techniques page. Read MoreGua Sha ↗
Gua Sha is defined as instrument-assisted unidirectional press-stroking of a lubricated area of the body surface to intentionally create transitory therapeutic petechiae called ‘sha’ representing extravasation of blood in the subcutis. Subsequently, sometimes called ‘coining, spooning or scraping’, Gua Sha is a healing technique of traditional East Asian medicine.Hawkgrips ↗
HawkGrips, Link to Hawkgrips based near Philadelphia, PA, is a leader in soft tissue therapy instruments and continuing education for physical therapists. They design and sell precision-engineered instruments utilized for Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. IASTM is a technique intended to detect and release adhesions found in soft tissue. Subsequently, with COVID-19 making in-person courses very difficult, HawkGrips has created virtual courses for physical therapists on IASTM. Developed by some of the best clinicians in their fields, these courses allow practitioners to earn CEU credits while improving their practice from the comfort of their own home. Additionally, the Hawkgrips IASTM and Blood Flow Restriction Certification Courses are described on the Certifications/Techniques page. Link to Certifications Level I: IASTM Fundamentals - Loma Linda, California, March 3, 2024, is now open for registration at HawkGrips.Performance Health Academy ↗
Performance Health Academy is a clinical education resource that supports optimal outcomes in clinical practice. Included are clinically-relevant articles, published research summaries and full articles, tools to customize patients programs with more than 800 exercises using TheraBand products, videos, protocols and physical therapy continuing education courses. Education is the Company's goal and whether you are a licensed therapist or student PHA offers courses taught by experts and a library of resources for PT, PTA, OT, COTA, DC, AT, and MT.Pinnacle Training & Consulting Systems, LLC ↗
PTCS offers integrated advanced Physical Therapy seminars that are evidence-based with practical application. The Company has developed an educational learning system that includes home study courses, live seminars, certifications and a mentoring system. Courses are designed to teach the foundation science, functional assessments, and the application science behind human movement. Additionally, the PTCS courses on Advanced Training Specialist (ATS) Certification, Applied Movement Specialist (AMS) Certification and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation are listed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Read MoreRehab Education ↗
Rehab Education, LLC is a therapist-owned and operated CE company, providing accessible and affordable Physical Therapy CE courses. The company strives to ensure up-to-date knowledge and skills for OTs, PTs, and other rehab professionals. The company offers Physical Therapy CE courses in multiple categories, including Cognitive/Perceptual Rehab, Hand Therapy, IASTM, Kinesio® Taping, Physical Agents, Neural Mobilization, Pediatrics and several others. Additionally, the courses on Cerebral Palsy, Tendonitis, Pediatric Hand Therapy, and Kinesio Taping® Method are listed on the Certifications/Techniques page, Link to Cert Page , and the IASTM Course is described on the IASTM Courses Post. Link to PostRockTape ↗
RockTape offers Functional Movement Techniques (FMT) Certification courses that are led by industry-leading experts in movement assessment and therapy. FMT courses present a revolutionary way of thinking about how we move and how we injure. They integrate innovative mobility and stability strategies, along with a movement-based, practical kinesiology taping framework to deliver RESULTS. The FMT Series certification courses are intended for healthcare professionals, therapists and trainers. Additionally, CEUs may be offered for DC, ATC, PT, OT, LMT, DVM and personal trainers depending on location and class type. The courses on Functional Movement Techniques (FMT), FMT Blades, FMT RockFloss and FMT RockPods are further discussed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Link to Cert PageSmart Tools ↗
Smart Tools offers Certification Courses that lay the foundation for how to properly use the SMART Tools most effectively with respect to movement. The instruments were made specifically for evidence-based protocols to produce superior patient outcomes compared to other Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization techniques. Smart Tools also offers products and Certification courses on Blood Flow Restriction Training. Smart Tools courses on IASTM and BFR are further described on the Certifications/Techniques page. Read MoreSoutheast Sports Seminars ↗
Southeast Sports provides Live In-Person and Online continuing education for chiropractic physicians, physical therapists, and trainers. The goal of Southeast Sports Seminars is to bring participants to new levels of professional excellence. The cutting-edge classes are designed to keep you at the forefront of treatment protocols for athletes and fitness enthusiasts; utilizing instructors that have years of experience in their respective fields. Additionally, there is information on Southeast Sports Seminars FAKTR (Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation) Course, and the BioMechanical Taping Course on the Certifications/Techniques page. Read More FAKTR (Functional and Kinetic Treatment With Rehabilitation) Rehab System, 16hr in-person live workshop in Daytona, FL, . Feb 24-25,2004, is now open for registration.
Physical Therapy Seminars
Here is some additional info on some of our favorite providers of Physical Therapy Seminars:
Redcord America offers Physical Therapy Seminars about Neurac methodology, which has been performed by physical therapists and experts for more than 20 years. The Method has the main objective of reactivating neuromuscular chains using the Redcord Workstation, resulting in pain-free treatments. “Neurac 1” introduces theoretical and practical applications of suspension exercise therapy to treat neuromuscular deactivation, muscle weakness, muscle imbalances and chronic pain. Participants will gain an understanding of the theoretical basis underlying the Neurac method of neuromuscular activation, the ability to identify and treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions in a pain-free environment and the ability to apply suspension exercises to improve stability, balance and neuromuscular function
Totally Treatment – Pediatric Aquatic Therapy Course offered by Swim Angelfish Link to Course Totally Treatment dives into gaining an understanding of the properties of the water and how to apply each in treatment sessions. For example, handling techniques for strengthening, balance reactions, relaxation and sensory integration within the aquatic environment will be addressed. Moreover, through video content and case studies, learn up to 10 new treatment techniques and creative ways to structure an aquatic therapy session in order to achieve therapy goals with clients that have both physical and sensory disorders. 4 Hour Online Course
Gawenda Seminars – Gawenda Seminars provides Physical Therapy Seminars, education, and consulting in the areas of CPT coding, ICD-10 coding, billing, documentation compliance, revenue enhancement, practice management, and denial management as they relate to outpatient therapy services for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy. Since 2004, Mr. Gawenda has presented nationally and currently presents approximately 100 dates per year around the United States.
Zero Balancing Link to ZB
Zero Balancing, developed by Fritz Smith MD. ZB uses skilled touch to address the relationship between energy and structures of the body. Finger pressure is used to create fulcrums around which the body can relax, reorganize, and clear blocks. Zero Balancing focuses primarily on key skeletal joints that conduct and balance forces of gravity, posture, and movement. Subsequently, Zero Balancing also offers a certification program that is discussed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Additionally, the Zero Balancing I course is FSBPT/ProCert approved for 19 CCUs for PT/PTAs.
More Physical Therapy Seminars
Evergreen Certifications The career-changing certifications offered by Evergreen Certifications have been developed by the leading experts in the fields of behavioral health, healthcare, and rehabilitation to recognize specialized and advanced training. Evergreen Certifications makes it SIMPLE, EASY, and AFFORDABLE for you to get the career advancing certification you need. A certification through Evergreen further solidifies client assurance and trust, empowers development, provides international recognition, and allows you to distinguish yourself from your peers! There are several Certifications offered by Evergreen listed on the Certifications/Acronyms page, including, CTH-AH, CPRCS, CMIP, CFNIP, CTP, and CGCP.
Education Resources Link to Courses offers evidence-based clinically relevant CEU courses to help neurologic Therapists identify and treat individuals with neurological disorders. This will ultimately improve outcomes for their patients. The live neuro webinars and on-demand online neuro courses are taught by distinguished internationally renowned faculty. The faculty are experts in their field teaching effective interventions and assessment techniques for a wide range of topics including neuroplasticity, vestibular rehabilitation, locomotor training, motor planning, degenerative diseases, and many more.
Move Play Thrive is a place to learn about Neurodevelopmental Movement programs that increase the effectiveness in life. Neurodevelopmental Movement Training is often used to help with Learning & Developmental Challenges and Emotional & Physical Challenges. Additionally, the Brain and Sensory Foundations First Level course gives outstanding help for sensory processing issues, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, learning delays, social-emotional skills, and more. Check it out here: Link to MPT
See the transformative power of neurodevelopmental movements in these inspiring case studies from students of the Brain and Sensory Foundations course.
Link to Case Studies
Can movements help overcome ADHD?
Link to Article
Physiopedia Link to Physiopedia , the “Wikipedia” for physiotherapy, is a free comprehensive online reference written by physiotherapists for physiotherapists. The charitable website has over 3000 evidence-based knowledge articles that can be accessed for free at any time. Physiopedia is used by around 1.5 million people every month. It’s perfect for answering all your professional and clinical questions. In addition, it even has an app that puts all of this in your pocket.
Pacific Medical Training offers Web-based courses for Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support. Accepted across North America and Canada, done in 3 hours. Up to 8 AMA CME/CE credits each.
Physical Therapy Seminars
CE For Therapy was launched in June 2017. We are scanning for new Physical Therapy Seminar opportunities continuously. As a result, the website is always as up-to-date as possible. In conclusion, if you are aware of any additional Providers of Physical Therapy Seminars and CE that you think should be included, certainly contact us.