Manual Physical Therapy Courses
One of our featured providers is a well-known provider of Manual Physical Therapy Courses, The International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine-US

Manual Physical Therapy Courses
IAOM-US integrates diagnosis-specific musculoskeletal management, biopsychosocial and sensorimotor control models to create live, hybrid and online on-demand Manual Physical Therapy Courses for evidence-based, post-professional Physical Therapy education. The Hybrid courses consist of the equivalent of one day of training online followed by a two-day live course. On-line courses that we have noted include A Physical Therapist’s Guide to Cervical MRI Images and Clinical Reasoning for Spinal Pain Management.
Live courses
Live courses of interest that we have noted include: Dry Needling for Pelvic Rehabilitation – Houston Tx – Sep 2023; Differential Diagnosis and Musculoskeletal Management of the Shoulder – Denver CO – Sep 2023; Differential Diagnosis and Musculoskeletal Management of the Hip – Laramie WY – Oct 2023; Systematic Evaluation and Treatment of TOS CTJ – Chicago IL – Oct 2023; and
Dry Needling Level II with Cadaver Lab – Athens OH – Nov 2023. Instructors for these courses are well-known clinicians including Jean-Michel Brismée, PT, ScD, OCS, FAAOMPT; Ann Porretto-Loehrke PT, DPT, CHT, COMT, CMTPT; Kasey Miller, DPT, COMT, FAAOMPT; Jacqueline Doidge, PT; Esteban Azevedo, PT, ScD. COMT. and Adam Kimberly PT, DPT, OCS.
Through systematic coursework, certification and membership, participants can also expand and advance their career by opting for a Certification in Orthopedic Manual Therapy (COMT), an American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE) approved fellowship, or even a doctoral studies pathway. The IAOM-Fellowship Program allows colleagues to maintain their present employment arrangements and experience learning in the framework of their own caseload. This arrangement enables maximizing learning in a familiar context and minimize stresses on personal and family members’ lives. This enables participants to maintain their current earnings. The IAOM-US Fellowship Program is committed to advancing physical therapy practitioners in evidence-based clinical diagnostics and orthopedic manual therapy.
The link to this excellent provider of Manual Physical Therapy Courses, The International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine-US, is here: Link to IAOM
Additional Manual Physical Therapy Courses
Here are some brief descriptions and links to several other providers of Manual Physical Therapy Courses that are currently listed on the Comprehensive Provider Directory page:
Intricate Art Spine & Body Solutions Link to IAS offers a variety of courses on manual therapy that include Cervicothoracic Manipulation, Lumbopelvic Manipulation & Extremity Manipulation. The Company also offers Intricate Art Manual Therapy Certification (IAMTC), which requires completion of DN 1, DN 2, DN 3, Cervicothoracic Manipulation, Lumbopelvic Manipulation & Extremity Manipulation. Students may sit for a 2 day testing weekend of oral & practical examinations to receive their IAMTC following completion of the 6 courses.
Institute of Manual and Manipulative Therapy®
The Institute of Manual and Manipulative Therapy® (IMMT) Link to IMMT was founded by Dr. Dustin Buck in 2018 to help clinicians gain technical mastery of certain manual therapy skills. Dr. Buck’s courses allocate the majority of the course time to teaching fundamentals of the skills needed by practitioners in the clinic. This includes both the components of the hands-on skills, and the practical reasoning to apply the skills safely and judiciously on a patient-to-patient basis. The IMMT offers a four-course series ending with practical and written certification exams. The Certification in Thrust Joint Manipulation (Cert. TJM) credential designates the recipient as a specialist in performing safe, effective thrust joint manipulation for the entire skeleton.
Manual Physical Therapy Alliance – Link to MPTA MPTA’s goal is to develop clinicians that are able to integrate the three pillars of evidence-informed practice to progress their patients along the continuum of care.The MPTA supports the INTEGRATION of the following within the classes they promote: Clinical reasoning founded on the principle of “test-treat-retest-adapt” treatment philosophy, Pain Sciences & Patient Education, Activity Modification & Graded Exposure Training, Dry Needling, Manual Therapy, Spinal Manipulation, Prescriptive Exercise, Therapeutic Exercise, and Performance Enhancement. IMT-1 course is listed on our Certifications/Techniques page. Link to Cert Page
Positional Release Therapy Institute
Positional Release Therapy Institute – Link to PRTI Positional Release Therapy (PRT) also known by its parent term, strain counterstrain, is a form of manual medicine that resolves pain and tissue dysfunction. Through positioning the body and tissue in positions of comfort, the neurological system can be manipulated to interrupt the pain spasm cycle and over time, to reset the resting length of tissue in a “normal” range, which promotes an increase in strength, performance and function. Essentially, PRT is the opposite of stretching. Much like unkinking a knot from a chain necklace, PRT works in the same fashion; tissues are pushed together, twisted, compressed and manipulated to take tension off “neurological chain links.” PRT-i faculty utilize sound evidence-based adult learning teaching approaches so that your learning experience is both rewarding and lasting. All instructional offerings adhere to an instructor to participant ratio of 1:12 to maximize your hands-on learning experience.
Additional Manual Physical Therapy Courses
The Institute of Advanced Musculoskeletal Treatments Link to IAMT goals include the continued professional development of physical therapy skills and the advancement of physical therapy as a high-quality healthcare alternative for people suffering pain.
IAMT offers several Specialty Courses all designed to help make physical therapy the first choice for patients suffering pain. IAMT also offers a Dry Needling Certification (CDN) curriculum Link and a Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT) curriculum. Link These are further discussed on our Certifications/Techniques page. Link to Cert Page
The Institute of Clinical Excellence Link to ICE
ICE offers a diverse combination of manual therapy focused courses. Included are foundational clinical management courses, fitness and endurance athlete content, and fitness and health promotion certifications. ICE Courses on Fitness Athlete Management and Performance Artist Management are listed on the Certifications/Techniques page. Link to Cert Page
Additional Manual Physical Therapy Courses

Manual Physical Therapy Courses
Functional Manual Therapy®, offered by the Institute of Physical Art Link to IPA is an integrated and artistic intervention which couples mechanical treatment of the joints, soft tissues, visceral and neurovascular systems with manual neuromuscular facilitation to enhance optimum motor control and human function. The Institute of Physical Art is the sole provider for Functional Manual Therapy®, and the certification process is listed on our Certifications/Techniques page Link to Cert Page. Also offers an ABPTRFE accredited Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy Fellowship program.
Modern Manual Therapy – The Eclectic Approach Link to MMT is Dr. Erson Religioso’s line of seminars for clinicians that are taught online and in live venues around the world. The Eclectic Approach started with Modern Manual Therapy and has expanded to Modern Strength Training. An emphasis of The Eclectic Approach is ease and immediate application. Courses offered include The Eclectic Approach to Upper Quarter and Lower Quarter Assessment and Treatment, The Eclectic Approach to Spinal Thrust Manipulation, and The Eclectic Approach to Soft Tissue Manipulation. Dr. Religioso has also developed a line of mobility, fitness and rehab products along with pain science education materials at The EDGE Mobility System. Link to EDGE
CE For Therapy was launched June 2017. We are scanning for new Manual Physical Therapy Courses continuously. As a result, the directory on the website is always as up-to-date as possible. If you are aware of any additional Providers of Manual Physical Therapy Courses that should be included, please contact us.
Frequently Asked Manual Physical Therapy Questions
What is a certified orthopedic manual therapist?
COMT = Certification in Orthopedic Manual Therapy. IAOM-US offers certifications in Non-Operative Orthopedic Medicine and Manual Therapy for physical and occupational therapists (COMT). Certifications are offered in the areas of the Spine, Extremities, and Upper Quadrant.
What is manual therapy certification?
Institute Of Physical Art 
The CFMT (Functional Manual Therapy™ Certification) review/certification is an intense 4 days of review of 8 required courses. The review/certification is followed by 2 days of written and oral/practical testing.
The following courses are the required course work. Functional Mobilization I, CoreFirst™ Strategies for Back Education and Training, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation I are included. FMT Foundations, Functional Mobilization II, Functional Mobilization Lower Quadrant, and Functional Mobilization Upper Quadrant are also required. Additionally, applicants must attend Functional Gait.